Le acque del bacino dell'Abano e del Montegrotto rientrano nella categoria delle acque profonde sotterranee, uniche per le lunghe distanze che percorrono.
The waters derive from the uncontaminated basins of the Lessini Mountains in the foothills of the Alps, passing through calcareous rock and into the subsoil at a depth of approximately 2000-3000 meters. They are held at high temperatures and under strong pressures over the approximately 80 kilometer route that takes an average of 25/30 years. During this time they take on mineral salts and finally reach the Euganean Spas where they spring forth at a temperature of 87°C.
The abundance of the dissolved substances make this water a unique thermal resource, one of its kind in the world. From the chemical point of view, these waters are classified ashyperthermal sodiobromidiodic waters and as having a fixed residue of 5-6 grams of dissolved salts per liter of water at 180°C.
The extraordinary therapeutic value of the waters and muds found at Abano and Montegrotto derive from the strict regulations governing thermal extraction, preventing the indiscriminate use and depletion of the resources.
Via Catajo, 6 35036
Montegrotto Terme (PD) Italy
+39 049 793 144
P. IVA 05000250281
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